Need help choosing a fence for your pet’s safety? We’re here to help!
Are you getting a new dog or need to find ways to pet-proof your backyard? The right fence can help you add security for both your house and pet. You can find a myriad of fence designs out there, but not all might be the best fit for your home. How can you choose the right dog fence? Here are a few pointers to help you find the best new dog fence for your yard.
New Dog Fence: Purpose
Your new dog fence could have one or more purposes. Here is a list of possible purposes you want your new fence to fulfill:
- Keep your dog from running away
- Keep your dog safe and in one place while you are busy
- Create a confined but spacious area for your pet to run and play
- Prevent your pet from digging up your garden beds
New Dog Fence: Design
For Escape Artists
If you have a dog that tends to roam, you will want to consider a fence that has greater security than not. For example, you don’t want your pet to be able to jump over it or dig under it. You might also want to block the view to the outside of the property to keep distractions at bay.
Fence styles you might want for your escape artist include the picket fence and any kind of privacy fence. The fence would have to be tall enough to deter your dog from jumping over it; meanwhile, buried chicken wire can prevent digging under it. Plenty of exercise will also help keep your dog occupied enough that it will be less inclined to wander.
For Everyday Protection
A fence could also serve as a way to pen your pet for safe play and security when you are away. It will help prevent your dog from bolting off if it gets excited, too. A fence for your dog is helpful for everyday security and keeping an eye on your pet.
What fence styles would work here? Practically any fence that prohibits jumping or crawling under it would work. If you have a split-rail fence, you could add wire mesh to create a full barrier. Otherwise, consider if you want your dog to be able to look out for interest or to say hi to neighbors. If a privacy fence would serve your property better on the whole, you could add a custom doggy window.
Call Mid-Atlantic Deck & Fence For Your New Deck or Fence!
Mid-Atlantic Deck & Fence has almost 30 years of experience in building beautiful custom fences, gazebos, screened-in porches, and decks throughout the state of Maryland. We have the expertise to design your dream fence or custom deck and have it installed in a headache-free process. Give us a call at 1-800-833-9310 or visit us online for a quote today! We offer many different styles of fencing and decking, in addition to custom options designed specifically to suit your preferences and tastes. To see examples of our work and get more tips on how to choose the right decking for your family, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Houzz, Pinterest, YouTube, and LinkedIn.
Tags: choose a dog fence, new dog fence, wood fence for dogs