A screened porch is a lovely place to be, and it can be extra cozy in winter with the help of a gas-powered fire pit or an outdoor fireplace. Unfortunately, a campfire isn’t enough to help you see outdoors at… Read More
Benefits of Built-In Fence Lights
During the day, it can be easy not to notice the importance of having your fence lit up. But, when the sun goes down, those lights become increasingly important. Adding lighting features around your fence can really add a sense… Read More
Outdoor Lighting for Your Backyard
The backyard isn’t just for daylight hours. This summer and fall, you can enjoy your backyard for longer hours, enjoying the warm summer and cool fall evenings for more social time outdoors. How can you make it happen? Outdoor lighting… Read More
Low-voltage vs. solar lighting
In our last post we talked about adding lights to your decking project. These days, homeowners have several options when it comes to outdoor lighting. Among the most popular choices are solar and low-voltage lighting. These eco-friendly options can save homeowners money on their electric bills. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but for your deck low-voltage lighting might be the best way to go.